Monday, December 22, 2008

(JOY) Jesus, Others, & You

JOY in its most basic sense is defined as: “the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good”.

To each and every Christian, we realize that the cause of our JOY is Jesus Christ, who actually lives and dwells within each and every one of us. We know that having Jesus in our lives really makes all of the difference.

It is Jesus living on the inside that gives us Joy in the midst of stressful situations. It is Jesus who lives in us that causes us to view “the glass as half full” and not half empty. It is Jesus who lives in us that enables us to have hope even when the rest of the world says that all hope is gone. Jesus said: “…I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (matt. 28:20,KJV)

As we reflect over the events of our past and appreciate the phenomenal difference that Jesus has made in our daily lives, we are forced to ask ourselves the question, why don’t others feel the same Joy that I do? Why do people during the holiday season especially, seem to forget about the JOY that Jesus brings?

As we wrestle with our response to these questions, I want to personally challenge every one to think of Jesus, Others, then You during this holiday season. Starting with Thanksgiving, instead of just thinking about having the day off or all of the delicious food that you can’t wait to over indulge in, remember the purpose for which the day was set aside. It was set aside as a day to thank God for saving the lives of the early settlers through a very rough and terrible winter.

After barely surviving the 2 month trip across the sea to this strange new land in Dec. of 1620, many of the settlers perished during that winter and had little means to prepare for the next winter. But in 1621, they could celebrate because they knew that it was only by God’s divine providence that they survived through the previous winter and that it was God who blessed them with such a bountiful harvest in 1621.

Just as the early settlers took the time to Thank God for where he brought them from and what he had brought them through, we too need to reflect back over our lives to see how far God has brought us. When we really think about it, we have much to be thankful for.

Take the time to thank God for what he has done for you. You may not drive a Mercedes Benz, but thank God that your hoopty does get you back and forth to work every day and that you don’t have to walk like you used to! You may not like the people that you work with and you may not even like your job, but thank God for having a place to go to work every day! Where you live may not be the gated community that you dreamed of, but thank God that you do have a roof over your head, peace in your heart, and love for mankind!

Take the time this Thanksgiving to thank God for having Jesus in your heart! The hymnologist wrote:” When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done for me, my soul cries out hallelujah, I thank God for saving me.” Thank God for Jesus! Thank God for the change in your life! Thank God that you know that you are not the same person that you used to be!
Let us be thankful and communicate to others the fact that Jesus makes all of the Difference!

As we approach the Christmas season, please remember the JOY that this day truly should bring. This is the day that God sent his son into the world to commune with us. Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, The Savior of the world, The Prince of peace.
Although we do not know the actual day that Christ was born, we celebrate the undeniable fact that he was born! We celebrate the fact that God sent his son into the world to save the world from their sins!

So, during this Christmas season, instead of thinking of gifts for all the people on your Christmas list, think of The Gift that keeps on giving.

Take the time to remind others that “Jesus is the Reason for the Season”.

Celebrate the life of Jesus by not taking “Christ” out of “Christmas”. Let us think of others by giving cards that say “Merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays”. Let us cheerfully remind others that it is more blessed to give than it is to receive. Let us plan to give just like Jesus gave. By giving to people who we know can’t give back to us. Think of Others this year who are not normally on your Christmas list and give them a little more JOY. Make it a point to give others the Christmas message as the opportunity presents itself. Think of Others by sending out a few more Christmas cards than you normally would. Think of others by increasing your donations to the various charities this year. Think of Others by making it a point to make a difference in someone else’s life by taking the time to volunteer some of you time to them. Plan to Be a Big Brother or a Big Sister or just plan to be a volunteer. The world is full of people who just want someone to spend some quality time with them. Plan to share the love of Christ by planning to give the gift of your time.

Finally, as the New Year dawns, I challenge you to make a resolution to be “better this year than you were last year”; a brand new year with new opportunities to be better and to do better for The Lord. Think of it as an opportunity to thank God and to praise him more, for the JOY that he has brought into your life. Remind yourself of the fact that You are truly blessed! You don’t talk like you used to talk. You don’t walk like you used to walk! You don’t act like you used to act! You are a different person now. You are blessed to be a blessing to someone else! You have been blessed to see another year! You have been blessed to make a difference. The Lord did not bring you this far to leave you!

Since The Lord has been so good to you, then make a vow to be a better giver of your time, your talent, and your treasure. Be better in your service to the Lord by devoting more time to the study of his word, by spending more time with him in prayer, and by leading others to Christ by the good example of a living testimony.

JOY; Jesus, Others, & You really means being thankful for the greatest gift ever given, which is the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord, sharing this gift with Others by spreading the gospel of this good news, and enjoying the benefits of living a life that counts when You vow to “make a difference” by being a living testimony of the goodness and mercy of God.
JOY, Is it in you? Are you up to the challenge?