Thursday, April 30, 2009

Praise God!

Have you ever wondered about the many marvelous things that God has done for you?

Have you ever stopped long enough to consider the fact that perfect JUSTICE DEMANDS perfect JUDGMENT?

In other words, a sentence MUST BE IMPOSED for EVERY INFRACTION of the law.

Can you imagine HOW you would pay for all of your sinful deeds?

David understood very well the depraved human condition with out the forgiveness of God.

As he penned the words to Psalm 103, it is evident that he knew that he had not dotted every “I” or crossed every “T”.

He understood the fact that he was forgiven for all of the wrong things that he had done.

Knowing that HE SHOULD HAVE been punished, but yet he was forgiven, created in him an “attitude of gratitude “and a reason to praise!

So he made up his mind that he would “Bless The Lord” and praise his Holy Name!

When we consider the fact that God sent Jesus to atone for OUR sins on the cross, it should be easy for us to give him praise also.

Knowing that Jesus actually had a choice in the matter of the cross and could have said no, ought to make you praise!

Knowing that GOD OWES US NOTHING, but sent his son Jesus to pay our debt, ought to be a reason enough to praise!

Realizing that we COULD NOT purchase this forgiveness with any earthly treasure ought to be reason enough to praise!

Knowing that you still have reasonable health, clothes on your back, shoes on your feet, food on the table, and GOOD FRIENDS & FAMILY, ought to be reason enough to praise.

Praise God for allowing you the privilege and opportunity to come to him in prayer and praise.

Praise God for keeping your household together when it seems that so many others have fallen apart!

Praise God for the job that you DO HAVE? It may not be the one that you want right now, but it is paying the bills!
Praise God for your wonderful church family!

Praise God for FRIENDS, FAMILY, and a wonderful church family!

What condition would you be in right now if Jesus had not paid the price for your sins in full!

Just where would you be and in what condition would you be in if Jesus had decided NOT to die on the cross?

The reality is that without the sacrificial death of Jesus, every one of us would be doomed and DESTINED to spend eternity in hell, continuously paying for every sin that we ever committed.

PRAISE God for Jesus!

PRAISE God that my name is written in the LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE, because of JESUS!

That should be enough to give him praise!