I began the year 2010 preaching from the subject: “It’s time for a change”. For the whole month of January, I emphasized the fact that everyone comes to a place in their lives where they realize that something has to change in order to reach certain goals. In other words, if a desired end has not been achieved by current practices, then at some point one reaches the conclusion that something has to change.
If an alcoholic or drug abuser really wants more from life than the acquisition of drugs and alcohol then something has to change. If the sex addict or the power addict wants more from life than the exhilaration of the ill-gotten moment then something has to change. If an individual constantly fails to reach admirable goals, if they want the good but live the bad, and if they desire the truth but live a lie then by all means something has to change!
The reality is that you cannot wholeheartedly expect different results by doing something the exact same ole way every time! For we all know that practice makes perfect! But if you want a different result, then something has to change!
After reading several articles on various subjects, which all dealt with the human desire to be accepted in various circles in society, I noticed a very common thread which was woven in the fabric of each position; that the quest for truth was nowhere to be found!
Blaise Pascal said it best when he said that “Truth is so obscure in the times in which we live and falsehoods so established that unless we love the truth we cannot know it”! In other words, you have to love the truth in order to find it! You have to love the truth more than your life style! You have to love the truth more than your bank account! And you have to love the truth above everything else; otherwise, you will never find THE TRUTH and real fulfillment!
In every article that I read, there was the consistent search for justification for their “plight” in life. The liar, the thief, the adulterer, the homosexual, the murderer, the corporate swindler, the prostitute, the atheist, the pagan, and idol worshiper, all from different socio-economic backgrounds, found support
for their condition of existence even from those with very noteworthy scholarly achievement.
But yet, what was very conspicuously missing from their utterances was a desire to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and to accept it no matter if it supported their position or not.They were very expressive about anything AND EVERYTHING that supported their position; but they never stated even once that their quest in life was ultimately to know the truth!
The fact of the matter is that the truth is the truth no matter what! Trees are made of wood, water is wet, and fire is always hot, no matter whom you are or how you feel! Cars all have wheels, computers have processors, fish live in water, and the moon is NOT made of cheese! As a member of the human race, our greatest endeavor in life should be the quest to know the truth! Because knowing the truth will bring us the greatest satisfaction in life!
As we go about our daily affairs throughout the rest of the year, let us work diligently to know the truth! Let us learn to separate truth from error, and let us be wholly committed to making a difference in the world by standing on what we know to be the truth! Let this be the year that we search the scriptures for ourselves, like we never have before, so that we can know what God has said instead of relying on what someone else has said! Let this be the year that we say: “That sounds good, but is that the truth of God’s word?” and let this be the year that we daily make a concentrated effort to be better this year then we were last year in our knowledge of the word of God.
Truth really does matter! Truth makes all of the difference! And Truth will give you TRUE direction and purpose in life!
Jesus said (John 14:6) “I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE” … “AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE”! (John 8:32)